

Hilong Pipeline Engineering Signs Pipeline Anti-Corrosion Coating and Cement Counterweight Service Agreements worth RMB 221 Million

Date 2021-04-28

 (April 22, 2021, Shanghai) Hilong Pipeline Engineering Technology Service Co. Ltd. (Hilong Pipeline Engineering) signed recently several pipeline anti-corrosion coating and cement counterweight service agreements with Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical), with a total value of RMB 221 million.

These agreements cover Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical’s Phase II project, symbolizing another major collaboration between the two parties, after the Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Phase I crude oil and natural gas submarine pipeline service agreement was inked in 2017.

"The signing of the service agreements with a renowned domestic offshore crude oil producer demonstrates Hilong's leading position and capability in the field of pipeline anti-corrosion coating services." Zhao Min, Hilong Vice President and General Manager of Pipeline Technology and Service Business, said: "The signing of the agreements will further boost Hilong’s pipeline technology and service business, and lay a solid foundation for Hilong to become an integrated pipeline technology and service provider.”

Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. is a mixed-ownership enterprise, owned by both private company, which holds controlling interests, and state-owned enterprises. Its main businesses include petroleum product refinement, petrochemical product production and sales, and crude oil import and export.


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