

Hilong Launches New Industrial and Pipeline Anticorrosive Coating Products

Date 2015-04-22

(April 22nd, 2015, Shanghai) On April 21st, 2015, Hilong launched a series of new industrial and pipe anticorrosive products based upon independent research and development, improving overall product performance and consummating the product line, thus making another stride towards the goal of becoming an expert in full-scale anticorrosion solutions.

During the launch, Hilong introduced to the experts and guests from within the petroleum and chemical industry its independently researched and developed new coating products, including industrial protective coating series, as well as the OCTG & line pipe coatings which include EC-601 Water Soluble External Protective Coating and SN-109SF Solvent Free Flow Coat Material for Non-corrosive Gas Transportation Pipeline. Hilong’s industrial protective coating series comprises in its product line a total of 32 types of products, including protective primer and intermediate coat, decorative finish coat, high-build coating, marine protective coating, chemical-resistant storage tank paint, as well as high-temperature-resistant coating. They can be respectively applied to such areas as the petroleum chemical industry, offshore structures, the power industry, heavy machinery and equipment industry, high-value architectures and bridge transport.

Ren Weidong, Vice President of Hilong and Director of Hilong Petrochemical Research Institute, said, “Since 2003 when Hilong started to independently research and develop coating materials, we have always been holding the leading position in scientific and technical innovation, and have developed environment-friendly, safe and easy to use coatings for a lot of fields including OCTG and pipelines, and industrial protection. They are widely applied in major domestic pipeline projects, including the West-East Gas Pipeline II, Central Asia-China Natural Gas Pipeline, the original Sino-Kazakhstan Pipeline and the Sichuan-to-east Gas Transmission Project, as well as the oilfields and many local pipe network projects, and have created remarkable economic and social benefits.”

“In the future, we will stick to our development strategy of scientific and technical innovation and advancement, expand more areas to cover offshore pipelines, and achieve the goal of becoming an expert in omnibearing anticorrosive solutions,” he added.

This new product launch of Hilong was held concurrently with the “Ocean and Pipe Anticorrosion, Safety, and Environmental Technology Seminar 2015”. As a co-organizer of the seminar, Hilong, together with the seminar, advocates the philosophy of “developing green and environmental anticorrosive new technology, new materials and new equipment by scientific and technical innovation.”

Over 130 experts and guests coming from over 20 scientific research institutions and renowned enterprises including the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sinopec, CNPC and CNOOC attended the product launch. After the launch, the attendees visited Hilong Petrochemical Research Institute, Shanghai Hilong Shine New Material Co., Ltd. and the pipeline coating workshops.

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