

Meeting Held in Shanghai to Promote and Deepen Cooperation between Hilong and Saipem

Date 2015-08-06

(August 6, 2015, Shanghai) On August 4, 2015, an executive meeting was held at Hilong’s Headquarters in Shanghai between Hilong and Saipem as regards the matter of deepening bilateral cooperation. The two parties engaged in concrete discussions over the specific business and modes for cooperation, which blazed a trail of in-depth bilateral cooperation.

Mr. Giorgio MARTELLI, General Manager of SAIPEM Asia and Australia, stressed that as a group corporation specializing in the integrated development of petroleum equipment and services, Hilong took the concept of integrated oil pipelines into the offshore oil and gas field and had steady performance in two large-scale offshore EPCI general contractor projects in 2015. These have proven to Saipem that Hilong is a proper partner. Saipem will take advantage of its rich experience in design and installation to support Hilong in its further development of offshore oil-gas equipment and services in diverse forms of cooperation. In addition, Hilong’s products and services are important complements to the EPCI general contractor capacity of Saipem. Saipem will launch a relevant certification scheme as soon as possible to include Hilong into its purchase system.

Zhang Jun, President of Hilong, said that the recent years of business reorganization and expansion have laid down a diversified global business arrangement for Hilong. He believes that Hilong and Saipem will be able to work together in depth, in multiple business areas in both domestic and overseas markets, and together embrace current and future challenges from the oil and gas industry and seize new opportunities for development.




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